Whilst others live in run down, neglected apartments...
Others live in a bit of both...
Notice it's the same house. I wonder...Did the money run out during the renovation project? Was it one of those DIY jobs which ONE DAY they'll get round to finishing. Or do they think that people will only look at the front of the house and won't notice the sides? Chissà .
Perhaps it's meant to inspire people: "Look how nice these old buildings can look with some nice paint and plaster work!"
Kind of reminds me of some farms I've seem throughout New England. There is a saying something like good old Yankee remodeling! The front of the house, barn or other farm building is almost perfect and when you walk around you will see a totally different view. Similar to the picture of the house in Naples. Often you will see wooden poles pressed against the build to keep it from collapsing.
Annika, you could be right there.
Gil, that's funny! :)
That's hilarious. Maybe all they could afford was a face lift.
It is no so uncommond to find houses with a nice front and the back don't even painted. The cheaper, the better!
When my grandpa made our house, to save in painting in the next years bought tiles and chose them in a colour that doesn't show smog signs (don't need to be cleaned): dark brown.
S**t is an appropriate color!!
To funny, hey girl we are comming in May, for a few weeks-can you tell me if they ever got the trash prob worked out, Tanny
hi, i found you on the expats in italy site... thank you for your interest in sharing what life in Italy is like for you. for sure things are different. i know because i am in a suburb of Avellino. care to be in touch, just drop me line... have a great day.
Perhaps they could not make up their mind! No, I am sure it is all about the brutta figura (the front part) and the back...well why spend money on fixing the back when there are plenty of other things to spend money on...like a flashy car to shop off to all your friends. Or a new mobile phone - got to have the latest here in Italy :)
Actually I think the "run down" side looks nicer!
Thats the way things go round here style wise - rather than spread your resources to cover everything and get to an acceptable general standard, blow everything on one piece of mindblowing aceness and then it wont matter that everything else looks shit.
Thats why you see young lads in fantastically expensive Stone Island coats with shitty jeans and falling apart trainers, young girls in tacky as fuck clothes from Pignaseca but swinging original Louis Vuittons off their arm, people in the oldest, naffest, most cigarette burnt tracksuits but with boxfresh 120 euro Nike Shox on their feet.
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