This is what I found outside the window at 23:05 the night before last. It's a religious procession, but I don't know for what reason exactly. I was in bed at the time on the verge of sleep and heard the singing so I got up to investigate.
Now, I'm quite open minded about people's religious practices, but do these people really think that gone 11pm on a Tuesday night is the most appropriate time to hold a procession complete with megaphone (notice it on the car at the top of the photo?
Shakes head.
How terrible! I hope you had earplugs.
Oh dear! I wonder what that was about? There were some fireworks here the day before yesterday, maybe it was for the same feast. The fireworks were in the morning, though. They're always in the morning.
And what is it with megaphones on top of cars here? In all the places I've lived before, that was reserved for the police.
was the megaphone necessary? That's really rude.
A megaphone at 11:00 p.m.?
I would have been salty as well.
You should respect their culture, it's not yours and by the way not your country either. You should all remember that you're foreigners and guests in Italy. Italy was not created to be at the beck and call of Anglo Saxons.
The procession was probably for Our Lady of Fatima.
Ciao Pat, da italiano (e scusa per il linguaggio italiano, ma rispondo meglio) ti dico che in ogni caso non *tutti* gli italiani sono cattolici ed in ogni caso certe manifestazioni, seppur "sopportate" da chi non ha fede (o magari crede in altre religioni) non necessariamente è contento di esser svegliato di notte come afferma Delinissima.
Ci sono tante forme per fare veglie senza per questo disturbari chi non appartiene a questa o quella religione.
Non vuole essere un flame questo, ma il rispetto, se c'è, deve esserci *per tutti*, cittadini stranieri e non, credenti (di tutte le religioni) e non credenti.
Sono quindi d'accordo con Delinissima e sono anche io qui a chiedermi "Perche, ho perche?!"!!!
Pat, I don't think the participants the other night respected the people who were sleeping and had to go to work or school the following day.
To add, the first person to go out on to the balcony to see what the noise was last night was my *Italian* OH. He is Catholic, but does not need to hear about it whilst trying to sleep.
Max, non c'era problema, ho capito tutto. What I mean to say is this. This is Naples, for better or for worst. This is what Naples is all about. You guys know this living there. It's the price you pay for the experience. I've found that Anglo Saxons (not you personally Delinissima, I mean in general, it's a cultural thing, please don't take offense) like to rework a country to their specifications. If the local people hadn't wanted the procession it would not have happened. That's how things happened in the U.S. Yuppies moved into Italian ethnic neighborhoods and slowly began demanding to have things their way (I've seen it happen where I live). First we had to stop shooting of fireworks on the morning of the feast. Then after they won that battle, a few years later they demanded that the fireworks stop altogether and they won again. Next they complained that the procession should stop because it would set off their car alarms. Guess what, they won. These were wealthy yuppie WASPS, a minority in Italian Ethnic neighborhood who moved into gentrify, be close to Manhattan, etc. and used the same arguments that you do, respect for non Catholics, non believers etc. That's how it started. They destroyed may traditions like the feast and procession, though Italians Americans battled hard to preserve the same. It was a way of life these people found annoying. I find it ironic to see the whole thing as well happening in Italy. With all due respect, a real pest in the Naples area is the loud obnoxious behavior of a lot of Englishmen on Holiday on the costiera who are loud, drunk and disrespectful (something else I've unfortunately experienced). Again, I mean no disrespect and hope that none is taken, but you won't find Italians acting that way in England.
Pat sono d'accordo con te che comunque le tradizioni sono un valore che va mantenuto e possibilmente tramandato.
Però mi pare di leggere una nota particolare in quello che scrive Delinissima: ci si interroga del perchè ci sia una processione alle 23.00 e nessuno dice (o può dire) nulla mentre, magari, se un gruppo di ragazzi a quell'ora fa un pò di chiasso in più, arriva la polizia; certo il paragone non è proprio calzante però bisogna pur considerare che se quella processione delle 23.00 è ben accetta dal 90% di cattolici magari il rimanente 10% non lo è minimamente (così come il 90% della popolazione non tollera che un gruppo di ragazzi faccia casino sotto al balcone mentre dormono).
Magari se quella processione fosse stata un rito buddista o di qualsiasi altra religione, qualcuno si sarebbe lamentato? :)
Sono sempre stato dell'idea che la mia libertà finisce quando incontra il confine della libertà di un altro individuo: ci sono luoghi di culto (appropriati) per celebrare la messa, modi e tempi per fare processioni; tutto questo nel rispetto delle tradizioni e della libertà altrui ;)
Well, you caused a stir!
All I was going to say was it's probably for the Assumption of the Virgin which is on a Thursday roughly 39 days after Easter, if this fits with when it happened.
When we had the open garden day my OH was going to make cups of tea for everyone....Holy water might have gone down well!
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