They're a positive bunch the Napoletani, this can be seen in they way they create compensating phrases when things go wrong. I broke yet another glass yesterday - not my fault this time I should add, it was a domino effect when a glass bottle stopper fell off a shelf and onto the offending glass. Anyway, both my OH and I (-ormai I'm an expert too) said "Rompono i vetri, entrano monete." Meaning that the breaking of a glass means money is going to come into the house.
...I've broken so many, so if anyone is due for a pay out, I am.
The best saying for turning a situation around (that I've heard here) is "Donna baffuta, sempre piaciuta." How can I translate this one... "A woman with a mustache is always popular." ? Great. I wonder who coined that one?
Yay! I broke a glass too yesterday while doing the dishes... where can I go to pick up the check? :)
I think I've broken more glasses here in 3 and a half years than I've broken in the whole rest of my life combined...what's up with that? The buffata saying is old southern Italian woman definitely came up with that one ;)
I broke yet another wine glass too yesterday, Im always doing it when I polish them, Im still waiting for the money to come in!!
Annika, Sognatrice, Shirley, we will be rich women!
i don't know, but i bet she has a rockin' baffetta.
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